Section 1- Locating Self and Practice
Read Section 1: Inform – Locating Self and Practice in “Pulling Together: A Guide for Teachers and Instructors” by Bruce Allan, Amy Perreault, John Chenoweth, Dianne Biin, Sharon Hobenshield, Todd Ormiston, Shirley Anne Hardman, Louise Lacerte, Lucas Wright, and Justin Wilson.
Activity 1: Discussing Indigenous ways of knowing and being
Time: 15 Minutes
Type: Group
Explore the Frame of Mind – 6 minutes Video and hold a group discussion (Not more than 3 people) on Elders share their thoughts on how an open mind and a positive frame of mind are important when learning about Indigenous ways of knowing and being..
Activity 2: Working through the “perfect stranger” feelings of guilt
Time: 15 minutes
Type: Individual
Watch Susan Dion’s seven-minute video The perfect stranger:, and respond to these questions:
What resonates for you in this video?
What is your self-care strategy when working through the emotions of colonization?
Activity 3: Reframing the effects of colonization
Time: 15 minutes
Type: Individual
Watch the four-minute interview with Leanne Simpson3 on how colonization contributes to violence against Indigenous women and recognition of traditional territories.
What are some ways in which traditional territories strengthen Indigenous identity?
How does this view affect your approach to traditional territorial acknowledgements?
Activity 4: Exploring Indian residential school history and Locate yourself within the settler story
Watch the 8 Minutes Video by Margaret Reynolds “visits the grounds of the former Beauval Indian Residential School” consider and discuss:
Were you aware of this history? To what extent?
Recount your family history in relation to when and how your ancestors came to Canada; if you are Indigenous, describe your Indigenous lineage and traditional place