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Section 1- Locating Self and Practice

Read Section 1: Inform – Locating Self and Practice in “Pulling Together: A Guide for Teachers and Instructors” by Bruce Allan, Amy Perreault, John Chenoweth, Dianne Biin, Sharon Hobenshield, Todd Ormiston, Shirley Anne Hardman, Louise Lacerte, Lucas Wright, and Justin Wilson.

Activity 1: Discussing Indigenous ways of knowing and being

Time: 15 Minutes

Type: Group


Explore the Frame of Mind – 6 minutes Video and hold a group discussion (Not more than 3 people) on Elders share their thoughts on how an open mind and a positive frame of mind are important when learning about Indigenous ways of knowing and being..

Activity 2: Working through the “perfect stranger” feelings of guilt


Time: 15 minutes

Type: Individual


Watch Susan Dion’s seven-minute video The perfect stranger:, and respond to these questions:

  • What resonates for you in this video?

  • What is your self-care strategy when working through the emotions of colonization?


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Activity 3: Reframing the effects of colonization


Time: 15 minutes

Type: Individual


Watch the four-minute interview with Leanne Simpson3 on how colonization contributes to violence against Indigenous women and recognition of traditional territories.

  • What are some ways in which traditional territories strengthen Indigenous identity?

  • How does this view affect your approach to traditional territorial acknowledgements?

Activity 4: Exploring Indian residential school history and Locate yourself within the settler story

Watch the 8 Minutes Video by Margaret Reynolds “visits the grounds of the former Beauval Indian Residential School”  consider and discuss:

  • Were you aware of this history? To what extent?

  • Recount your family history in relation to when and how your ancestors came to Canada; if you are Indigenous, describe your Indigenous lineage and traditional place

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